Yarn Along – An Obsession with Tiny Pants

It’s wednesday… time for the Yarn Along.

more tiny pants

Firstly, apologies for the awful photos but we are still sick. Or rather FB is healthy again and bouncing off the walls (though luckily he is out for most of today), while LR and I are slowly coming back to something resembling normal. She still screws her face up in pain when she coughs (it’s on her chest so it makes her muscles hurt) and I’m blowing my nose every few minutes, and my energy is stuck at about 50%.

Hopefully another quiet day today will help.

Anyway… Knitting!!

One good thing about us all being unwell is that there has been unwell is that we have been floopy on the sofa a lot and so I have got some knitting done. I am making dolls clothes for the dolls for christmas (which I’ll post about soon), and as you might expect they knit up super quick. Following on from that I came across Tiny Pants and a new knitting obsession was born.

Seriously though, they are cute knitted shorts for newborns and they take a 50g ball of DK. Thus they knit up in no time and are ripe for stripes, patterns or embellishments.

tiny pants for no.3

What is not to love?

I cast off my first pair yesterday, and cast on the second pair a couple of hours later.

After two october babies, this March baby will need a slightly adjusted set of clothes (any excuse to make more things for new tiny people.) I’m hoping that these shorts will be useful, though you never know how March will go – sometimes we’re shovelling snow, sometimes we’re out in the garden sat on the blanket.

Regardless it’s lovely to be using up some much loved balls of yarn in my dwindling stash that have been there for a number of years now.

on the needles...

Reading wise I just finished Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield (which you can get free from Project Gutenberg here, and as a free audiobook from Librivox here). I had never read it before and I really enjoyed it. From an adult point of view it’s about the power of the parent and how that can stunt or set children free. From a child’s point of view it’s about a little girl who goes to live on a farm and finds out that she can do a lot more than she thought she could. It’s now on my list to read FB at some point.

Apart from that, caring for sick children (and sick me) hasn’t left much time for reading. However next on my radar is The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce by Judith S. Wallerstein which I borrowed from the library a couple of months ago, only to have W run off and gobble it all up in about a week. Since then I’ve been putting off reading it even though he says it’s amazing and that I really should read it. Tomorrow I have to take it back to the library to prove it still exists (fair enough) and then I really need to knuckle down and read it.

I guess I’ll tell you more about it next week. (How’s that for accountability, eh?)

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