Desk hunting…

So yesterday W met up with his best friend A, and i stayed home, watched the first episode of 30 days (which is brilliant btw) and finished the first of the lace socks, made with the plum coloured merino I brought back from Florence.  (Unfortunately they’re christmas presents so i’m going to hold back on actually posting photos for a while…)

Anyways W came home and let me know that it’s A’s wife’s birthday (my lovely friend J) on sunday, which is on the one hand great, because I was woolly about the date and now i know it and can add it to my birthday list, yay! but also bum, because whatever happens it’s going to be a day or too late.

So this morning, while W rebuilt his road bike, I curled up with my laptop to work out what to make her, (since i’m good for time, but not really for money right now.)

I’m all ideaed up, and as a bonus have started adding useful links to my account.

But it will all have to wait since W and I are off to go find ourselves a desk at one of the second-hand furniture places we know. And, bonus that means swinging by one of my favourite cafes in the city for lunch. (last time we had a tropical fruit curry with huge chunks of plantain and watermelon in it – so healthy and cheap!)


We’re planning to turn the box room (our first room when W originally co-bought the house), into an office so that we can move the computer and hopefully all my craft stuff upstairs. The next step in us sorting out the house.

*jumps in the shower*

Hopefully I’ll still have time to start J’s present tonight. Photos later…

Sofa Working!

…and relax.

This photo was taken at 10pm last night, just before i collapsed into bed. As ever,  it took longer than i expected, but it’s much comfier now, and it didn’t cost a bean.

plus there is a small amount of the plum coloured fabric left which i will add to my pile for making christmas presents.

all good. 🙂

Making the Sofa Work

On the day of my wedding my dad got up and make a speech that basically said:

"The thing about Oscarcat is that when she decides to do something, she does it…"

Today i realised that instead of just putting up with our mangy-falling apart futton sofa until we decide how we’re going to arrange our living room*, there was a way to fix it which would make the sofa actually nice to sit on, AND wouldn’t cost any money.

In fact since i realised this i’ve been itching to get started. So having finished other jobs, (apart from one,  but i’ll do that this evening, or even tomorrow morning) i think

i’m going to give it a go.

Here is the old sofa:

Hopefully in a few hours I’ll have other, better photos to show…

*dining table? no dining table? TV? No tv? rip out the old shelving? put in new shelving? having the chimney breast removed? we still have no firm idea…