I’ve had a live journal account for about 4 years now, so i know how their comment system works.
you login and and make a comment on someone’s lj post and then get an email telling them. then they can directly comment back to you, and the comments are threaded, and you get an email letting you know. and so it goes, back and forth.
Now i’m pretty sure typepad doesn’t work like that, which is leaving me feeling a little stuck. when someone comments here i’d like the respond, even if it’s only to say thank you. should i email the person? if i edit their response to add my message underneath their’s, will they know? if i comment on my own post, in reply to their’s will they know? i just don’t know.
it’s just that it would be nice to get into a few little conversations about craft things with people. the people who comment are all people i admire and am inspired and impressed by, but i don’t seem to be getting over this hump.
am i missing something obvious about the typepad comment system?
i need to go back and figure it out. 🙁
Well, I’ll jump in. I comment on other’s sites frequently, especially when inspired by their art/craft. I DO appreciate a return email and a conversation. I think it is polite blog decorum. I try to do the same, although with blog.com, it is annoyingly difficult at times to find the person’s email address. Anyway, just my take. Thanks for the regular inspiration!
I’m not familiar with the way typepad works, but if it’s anything like movabletype I would just shoot an e-mail back to any commenter you want to respond to. That seems to be pretty standard practice. It’s always nice to get e-mails back from other bloggers :). I do know that I rarely go back into people’s comments so I would miss it if I got a reply back in the comments section.
Hey! We (the crafting community) miss you. Hope all is well.
thanks for the flylady link – its hilarious but does kinda make sense.