The final piece of Sunday sewing:
I wanted to make No2 their own Taggy Blanket, like FB has, given that he still plays with his sometimes, and it didn’t seem fair to hand it over to the baby.
(Again, please pretend that I found time to iron it – though in my defense, all my fabric is still in a moving box next to my desk/sewing table.)
I LOVE this fabric – it came from a scrap pack from Danielle Stewart – lovely lovely stuff. I managed to use the entire piece here.
The tiny scrap of edge I cut off to make it square I put on the back, with the fleece.
As before I added a button hole so that it can be strapped to the pram or the car seat. Very useful.
All in all, I’m really pleased with what I managed to get done. I only had a couple of hours or so during a nap to get them all made, and now No2 has three presents ready for their first Christmas. o/
I’m impressed. Every year I have such high hopes of getting Christmas things done, but I am so lagging in energy right now. It’s very sweet. My firstborn loved to play with a taggy blanket like that, and I love your fabric choice. Can’t wait to see what else you whip up.
thank you. i think energy is a really big part of this. i got nothing done in the first few months of this pregnancy, and on my tired days right now nothing moves forwards. so when do get those high energy days i really have to jump on them otherwise life here this autumn is going to get even more tricky.
plus i only have one child to deal with and i’m not homeschooling – seems to me you’re managing plenty. 🙂