35 Weeks

I feel like I’ve suddenly woken up and yelled ‘oh heck! I’m having a baby at some point in the next 7 weeks!’

Mainly this is because FB was a good week late, and even then was induced rather than chose to come out of his own accord. (One day, maybe I’ll write about that. I certainly have a lot to say. But not today.) So for much of the pregnancy I’ve been sure that this baby will be late.

And now I’m not so sure. And I’m rushing around trying to get everything done that needs to be done before everything kicks off. (Easier said than done, since these days FB is more unlikely to nap that likely to.)

The long and the short of it: The shop is closing for my maternity leave as of tomorrow evening (15th) UK time. Darn it and Stitch are getting another delivery of Oxford Kitchen Yarns (including some colours that you can’t get in the online shop), so you will still be able to get some yarn there for a bit. Hopefully the shop will open again early December, and will start getting new stock in the new year. (I’ll keep you informed.)

Given that Oxford Kitchen Yarns really is just me, and it’s hard to know what’s going to happen, or how this next phase of my life is going to work, but Oxford Kitchen Yarns will still be here, I’ll still be dyeing yarn – because I love it. And it really works for me.

In the meantime I’ll post here when I can – probably a bit more randomly and sporadically in the next few weeks – but I’ve got lots to show you. It’s going to be good. 🙂

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