Wow. I didn’t mean to be away for that long. Truely.
I spent about four months at Bluestockings saying ‘yes! No really! *This* week! I’ll post something tomorrow!’ and then didn’t.
And then Liz pointed out that when you come here, the first thing you see is ‘Poo!’ and really it was high time I either posted or gave up.
So why have I been away?
Well I’ve been working hard setting up two businesses. I’m very excited about them, and hopefully I can start talking about that here soon. But at the moment I have to keep shtum.
Also the writing side of my internet life took off again late last autumn and that’s been taking up a big chunk of my free time.
However, on the whole, nothing has really changed. I’m still knitting (a lot) and sewing (in fits), and have a load of finished objects in the wings.

And with spring in the air, on sunday I suddenly got the urge to make chocolate nests, using wheatabix and fair trade chocolate eggs I found in our local co-op. I’m planning to make more at the weekend (and stretch the mixture further next time).
Welcome back; we missed ya! Love the little nestlings too!
Welcome back! You were missed.
Hooray, you’re posting again!
The nests look lovely. I’m looking forward to making easter-y things soon.
I’m intrigued. I’ve never used Weetabix for Easter nests. Do you smash it up much before mixing the chocolate?