I’m trying, and failing to remember who’s link I followed to small hands’ tutorial of how to make zipped box bags, though it was probably something to do with Backtack.
Anyways Clementine’s Shoes’ latest flickr pictures lit a fire under me and i just spent the last 3 hours making my first bag, which is destined for the Christmas box, (hence the lack of picture.)
However I can post pictures of the skirt i made on friday.

If you can ignore the slight blurriness, and the weird expression on my face – how cute and scarily matching is my outfit today? the scarf is the ‘Backyard Leaves’ from Scarf Style knitted in red debbie bliss cashmerino aran, while the hat is actually W’s and bought at the Gap last year.
the skirt is black corduroy, with small machine stitched designs on the front:

(little houses – i’ve been wanting to do this for AGES.)

(Trees – obviously inspired by all the great folliage around at the moment.)
the bottom hem is lime green grass, which is a bit of a shout out to my sister since lime has become her colour of choice – like me and turqoise. 🙂
obviously the machine embroidery isn’t the finest in the world, but it’s my first attempt and my Brother PX-200 isn’t really an embroidery sewing machine. but i love it none the less. 🙂
to be honest there are still a couple of things left to do on it – i need to take in the central seams about half an inch each side since it’s a bit big for me. Plus i’m going to add a small card pocket to the waistband seam because i’m sick of having no-where to put a tube ticket or debit card.
but on the whole i’m really happy with it. 🙂 i can see this being a stape of winter this year.
and now i must go steam potatoes.
Ooooh, that’s lovely, the embroidery looks great !
Ooooohhhh please share a picture! I’d love to see what you created!