Thank you AfricanKelli for the much needed nudge back into posting. 🙂
Things have been quiet around here recently – i’m not sure why, though i’ve been in a ‘not wanting to answer the phone’ phase for the last few days, so i guess i’ve been giving myself some quiet time away from everything. *shrugs* There is some family stuff going on – nothing serious, just older family members getting older. but it’s sad and makes me insular and introspective, (not very affective coping mechanism of choice.)
Regardless it’s time to rejoin the human race. i’ll work on posting more. i mean, i actually have things to post.
So two weeks or so ago i made a couple of bags for two friends’ birthdays.
I based them on this pattern, from a book my sister bought me for christmas.

Unfortunately because i ended working on this till after i was supposed to leave to see them, the photos i have are blurred and in rubbish light, (because it’s january and it was late afternoon.)

The bags were really fun to make, and i’ll definately make some more, preferably not when i’m up against a self imposed time limit so that i can noodle around with them a bit more and at more details in. since both of the friends in question are knitters both bags automatically became knitting bags, and the three of us knitted our way through A Knights Tale and the Shakespear Retold Taming of the Shrew, with Rufus Sewell in it, much to the amusement of my sister, who is not a knitter, but who is an incredible craft person in her own right.
In other crafty news i have finished two jumpers (though one needs a button sewn on properly, not in the cackhanded way i managed when i first did it – i rushed. 🙁 ), am well on my way to finishing a cute pair of baby slippers to send to my godmother, who has just become a grandmother for the first time o/, and i have a secret project that i can’t talk about, but i’m excited about, and well eventually talk about… but not yet. shhhhh