Yesterday I did a short unboxing of the Pursedori I bought from Lyra and Co. It think it’s going to prove really useful, for when I’m out and about, and doing necessarily want to be using my main planner. Plus it’s really cute. 🙂
Watch “Fauxdori Traveler’s Notebook walkthrough May 2016” on YouTube
Oops I seem to have a youtube channel. Bit really you (though obviously I mean me), can only watch only so many planner walkthroughs and unboxings before you’re itching to have a go yourself. Plus it’s easier, quicker, and hopefully clearer to explain how my planner works via video, rather than through photos.
This time round I’ve go through my fauxdori traveler’s notebook set up. I don’t use this for my day tp day planning. Instead it is a collect of inserts that I use for different collections of note I am currently making. Some are home ed/homeschool specific (though I’m planning to do another video all about how I use my fauxdori for planning and recording our home education), others are notes about running a business, and still others are for books and blog-posts I’m reading and want to remember.
Anyway I hope you enjoy it.
An Aran Shrug in June
Yes it’s June (though it’s not exactly the hottest June) and I’m knitting an aran weight shrug. However it’s actually a pretty comfortable knit, since it’s knit quite loosely on 7mm needles.
I modified the cuff by striping the stitch pattern, and then I decided that I preferred the look of the wrong side, to the right, so I used that side instead when starting the stocking stitch portion. It’s now big enough that I can’t knit it standing up, which is a bit tricky because small people want to sit on me whenever I try to sit down. However it’s proved to be the perfect knit while I work on swapping my knitting style from English to Continental, which I’m doing with the help of Lorilee Beltman’s Craftsy Class*.
(Continental purling is so efficient! I’m hooked!)
Hopefully the loose knit, with some decent blocking, will even out and early teething troubles as a swap styles. But hopefully this will give me more knitting bang of my buck, in this season of more limited knitting opportunities. Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. 😉
The yarn, naturally, is OxfordKitchenYarns BFL Aran, in Chocolate Cherry and Cloudy Sky.
(*As ever, this is not in any way a sponsored post. I just like this stuff.)