New Aran and sock yarn in the shop!
I’ll be back on friday for a couple of special announcements!
So after a short, unscheduled breaks, when my computer finally died and had to be replaced, there is great new yarn in the shop, and at Darn it and Stitch.
Also, if you want to be updated with OxfordKitchenYarns as they come into the shop, on your Pinterest dashboard you can join the OxfordKitchenYarns board.
Now the weather is getting cooler (a bit cooler, anyway) I’ve been knitting up some small projects in OxfordKitchenYarns which I’ll start posting next week.
Happy October everyone!
There is new yarn in the shop!
More sock yarns, plus the start of the DK, Aran and Chunky yarns.
A very pleasing early Autumn spread of yellows and greens. 🙂
More very soon… (as well as the using crafting, and book posts.)