
The new shop is open! OMG. The new shop it open!

Can you tell I’m excited? Can you tell I threw in the towel with my previous shop platform because I literally don’t have the time to make it do what I need it to do? So I’m on Etsy.

There you go.

Currently there are only the sock yarns up. There is DK and Aran to come. And patterns. And… kits! Which I am building and finalising as we speak and should be ready to go in about a month. Fingers crossed.

But yes, the shop is open.


I’m so pleased.

honey harvest 2014



Honey Harvest 2014

Honey Harvest 2014

Honey Harvest 2014

Honey Harvest 2014

Honey Harvest 2014

Honey Harvest 2014


On a very wet Bank Holiday Monday we did our honey harvest for the year (with help from our friends). Unfortunately we lost the weaker of the two hives last winter, and while we hoped the other hive would swarm so that we could repopulate the second hive, it didn’t happen. Maybe next year.

We had a good harvest regardless, while leaving enough to keep the bees fed all winter. Everyone pitches in, and while we all end up pretty sticky by the end of it, it’s very satisfying filling up the pots and jars, ready to eat and give away over the next year.

Watching the bees clean out the drum, once we’re finished with it, is possible my favourite part of the whole thing. (Not counting honey on toast!)

What I’m knitting right now.

secret project for my sister

I currently have two many projects on the go. And certainly too many projects not knit in OxfordKitchenYarn to be able to call knitting on them ‘work’. 😉 But I thought I would show you the ones I have actually been working on this week.

Firstly the photo above is a sneak preview of the baby blanket that will be heading off to my sister in Ireland in the next couple of months.  I’m really enjoying it (especially once I put it on a better needle), and it’s knit in OxfordKitchenYarns Aran (milk, lemon curd, and pansy).  I’ll show you the finished thing, once my sister has it safe at her house.

more Sand Dollar Dish Cloths

more Sand Dollar Dish Cloths

more Sand Dollar Dish Cloths

Next up are MORE dish cloths.

These are knit in Louisa Harding Yarns ‘Noema’, which is a cotton, acrylic, polyamide blend (heavy on the cotton at 75%), with great variegated colour and a hint of shimmer to it. I’m getting two dish cloths to a ball, easily, and I’m really pleased with the finished cloths. (I might have to look more closely at what other colours there are in the range.

Remixed Country Kiddie

Remixed Country Kiddie

The final thing I’m showing you this week, is another Country Kiddie (I think I’ve knit about 8 now!), though this one is heavily remixed, and made bigger than the pattern goes to. It’s for FB, and it’s probably about 2″ from being finished. Poor FB, I keeping picking it up and telling her it’s nearly done!, and then getting distracted by something else that needs finishing first. Luckily I’m the driving force behind the project, rather than her, so she doesn’t mind really. She just likes that mummy is knitting her something.

Fingers crossed that she wears it.

(I can’t remember what the yarn is. Sorry.)


And just to bring a bit more reality to this post – this is what the rest of the table looked like. 🙂