I have a stack of projects to show (though sadly, i never managed to photograph all of them in the rush up to christmas day.) But since i seem to be procrastinating getting all of them together I thought i’d start the ball rolling with one right now, just before bed.

This is the brewing apron i made for my husband, W as part of his christmas present. Unfortunately the photograph isn’t great – the pocket is denim. actually the whole other side is also denim, and the apron is totally reversable (with a pocket on that side and everything) so it can suit his mood. He is a very good, and very enthusiastic home brewer, and has just shifted over to full mash brewing, rather than kits, which takes alot longer, and is alot messier (hence the need for an apron), but allows him greater control, and the option to make his brew sugar free, and thus lower in alcohol.
he didn’t have a clue about it until he opened it, and then he proceeded to wear it every day during our time away over the holidays. i think this means it’s a hit!
Love it…the fabric is v. cute! Even better that W loves it too. And lucky you to be married to a home brewer 🙂