We’ve been in the house for over a year now but there is still not enough storage and the room that is going to be the children’s room still has a lot of boxes and things that need to be re-homed in it (our room is an attic! FB announced – which is true. Even though it’s only the first floor next to our room.)
So there is lots of *stuff* about the place, and – as a dear friend pointed out to me – ‘You’re happy to live with piles!’ which is sort of true. Though I’m not sure I’m happy about it really. Resigned maybe? Unable to do the work necessary to make the storage we need to clear some of the pile? Too time poor right now, with two small children? Lacking in man(person)power?
Regardless the hotspots have to be cleared for all our sanities. This is the first one. Sometimes I go sit on the bed and look at it.
It makes me feel better.
…don’t for a second think everything is perfect.
(On the chair – shirt that needs to go away, jumper that need to be finished, jumper that needs to be cut up and made into trousers, top that needs mending, pillowcase with wool handknits that need washing inside. Play mirror that needs putting back in the toy basket.)
Ugh. Piles. They are the end. I have piles which were similar to the piles in my last two houses and I’m determined to clear them once and for all before this year is out. I think it is all about clinging to the little sorted spaces and taking a deep breath. It will get there and really if piles work for you, go with them I reckon!
PS I meant to say I totally love the wallpaper…