Wow. I haven’t posted in a while – mainly because all the craft stuff i’m working on i can’t show! It’s all christmas stuff, and there are too many people who will be spoiled because i know they read my blog.
However i’m going to try and post more often, regardless – and since Clementine’s Shoes asked, i’m going to post the bag she inspired, because that will probably go to someone who doesn’t even know this blog exists. 🙂 but not today… *adds to ‘to do list’*

Here is my Tie One On apron for Christmas. I really wanted to make one this time around, having missed a couple of months, but i was stuck for what to do, and what fabric to use. My stash isn’t small, but there was very little that was christmas themed. However last week i bought the christmas martha stewart living and was really inspired by the ribbon embroidered poinsettias. So that, along with *finally* clicking with crochet gave me the idea to make the poinsettia patches for the front.

Unfortunately it was starting to get dark when i finished up today, so the photos are the greatest. but since i’m not sure if the deadline is this month or next, i’m at least done on time, and happy with the results. 🙂
I have some plans for another apron or two before christmas comes too.
ps. thank you to the people who have commented over the last couple of weeks. I’ve got a little behind myself but i’m intending to email you all back in the next few days. i really appreciate the words of encouragement – and intend to be more prompt in replying from now on, so that the appreciation is obvious. 🙂 (i’m still getting used to how typepad works with regard to commenting, having used livejournal’s conversation-style commenting for so long.)