Yarn Along

If I’m honest, I have been feeling rather miserable lately. We have had SO many illnesses recently – we are in week 4 and my sinuses still hurt. FB had ANOTHER fever this weekend, though luckily it only lasted a couple of days this time.

But because of that everything has ground to a halt. Or so it seems.

The shop is still not sorted and therefore is still closed. It really pains me to write that.

However – The shop WILL get sorted and WILL be open very soon. I promise.

In the meantime up until this week I had done very little knitting. And – as you can tell – very little blogging. Partially because there wasn’t time around all the illnesses, and also because I felt bad blogging about things that aren’t the shop being re-opened.

But I have things I could blog about. I might blog about them anyway, and hope that you understand that the shop is really important to me, but that some making for my family has happened regardless, because the two tiny people in our family couldn’t care less about the shop. 🙂 In fact there are things from back as far as back as October 2011 that I haven’t told you about. So I might blog about them soon, regardless of my fears. And somewhere in amoungst those posts hopefully there will be a positive post about the shop.

We can be hopeful.

Yarn Along - Damson on my needles and Mason-Dixon Knitting in my Head

Back to the very little knitting, and onwards to the Yarn Along… I have been revisiting some knitting comfort reading, and it has really bolstered my spirit. The two Mason-Dixon knitting books by Kay Gardiner and Ann ShayneMason-Dixon Knitting and Mason-Dixon Knitting Outside the Lines are still superb – they are funny, fearless and read like they are knitting in the room with you. It was just what I needed, and I’m really grateful for that.

Yarn Along - Damson on my needles and Mason-Dixon Knitting in my Head

On my needles is Damson by Ysolda Teague, which I’ve been wanting to knit since it was released. This one is for my sister, as her wedding shawl. It’ll hopefully be ready in plenty of time for her wedding in June. I started it on Saturday and have been steadily plugging away at it and I’m currently about 10 rows from the border. Not bad for someone who isn’t getting much in the way of evenings right now.

Yarn Along - Damson on my needles and Mason-Dixon Knitting in my Head

It’s knit in OxfordKitchenYarns 80%BFL 20% Bamboo Sock Yarn in Milk. It’s a little thicker than the OKY 100% BFL sock yarn and slightly sproingier, and has a slight sheen to it. I think it’s wonderful to knit with, and have another project waiting in the wings in a great orange called Ginger Tom.

And it will be in the new shop! SOON!


5 thoughts on “Yarn Along

  1. i hope you are all feeling better and your shop reopens as soon. i need to make a wedding shawl too, damson might be the one, i'm glad you shared it! thank you.

  2. Bah to illness I say! I'm sorry there has been so much illness right now for you all. Sounds no fun at all. Big hug. Also I think everyone will understand about the shop and reckon you should just share away and not worry… (Easier said than done though I know!) I haven't got the second Mason Dixon book so thank you for reminding me. That yarn looks yummy. xxxxx

  3. Sorry to read that you are all still suffering. I cant wait to see the shop – not having ever viewed it before! I bought some of your wool at 'Darn it and Stitch', to crochet with and have decided that the whole blanket I have planned will have to be in your wool as nothing else compares!
    No pressure though!

  4. Hi Katie,

    I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs and as a bush-woman farming the rural BC mountainside, and trying to eke time for fibre and dying, plus with wee ones…well, I think you are doing great to keep it all up! I’d love to see a photo of the ginger tom project, as the ginger tom I have is an essential part of staying sane with my 22 month-old! I noticed that you have knit the Aurantium Blossom shawl. I have tried (in vain) to locate a copy of this pattern (Ms Yu not responding to requests on Ravelry) so am relying on the potential kindness of strangers. Do you know where I can beg, borrow or buy a copy of this pattern?

    Do you dye any fingering weight with nylon as a component? Am looking for some unusual colours and want the extra strength.

    Cheerio! Marm’a

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